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How to invest with Money Market Funds in Kenya

visibility 5K views calendar_month Oct 23, 2022
Read a comprehensive guide on money market funds in Kenya updated for FY 2021/2022 and beyond: In this video, I demonstrate how the power of compounding can be used to grow small amounts as low as Ksh 84 per day to over a million if invested consistently in Money Market Funds in Kenya In the video we answer the below: 1. How long would it take to accumulate Kshs 1 million based on the initial amount invested and consistent monthly contributions? 2. Why small amounts compounded over a long period beat large initial investments at the onset. 3. Why the rate of return is not important when investing in Money Market Funds compared to consistency of contributions. 4. Why it pays to start investing with Money Market Funds when young. Read the companion article here: Obtain the latest Money Market Fund forms here: The Telegram Channel above has a link to a Free Compound Interest Calculator Bot! See a summary of posts I have published in regard to managing personal finances in Kenya in the link below: Send your completed form to This will entitle you to the Free PDF Compounding report mentioned in the video below
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